As from 31/12/2023 we are discontinuing support for Easy Designer. Books created with Easy Designer MUST be submitted before 31/12/2023.

The functionality of Easy Designer is broadly equivalent across both platforms. However, the software is developed first on Windows, with feature parity on a few items remaining to be achieved. Therefore if you have a choice, the Windows version will contain all the latest features. But the macOS version may lack a few of the latest bells and whistles.

As of mid 2022, Easy Designer is compatible with macOSD 10.14 or earlier. The developers are working on development of a 64bit version of the software for current and recent versions of macOS, so full feature parity is still a little further down the track.

YouDesign Photo Book is now our recommended consumer desktop photo book design application, and is available for both Windows and macOS. Although a license is required to be purchased, Cahoots offers voucher codes ato partly offset the cost, provided the license is purchased via our affiliate link. IMPORTANTLY, YouDesign Photo Book software is in no way tied to any photo book production house.  You may output print-ready PDF files to have printed however and wherever you choose.